Saturday, December 6, 2008

brainstorming #4 & #5 for "withering of the boughs" first initial

My papers and I braved the pizza parlor again yesterday for a little more planning. After the work that was done on Withering Boughs a weeks ago, it still seemed like something was missing. At that time, number of positive things were realized (the off center moon, the witches hat, the golden chain), but none of the end results were particularly satisfying. After much mulling over (and tasty alfredo sauce pizza with onions, bacon, and tomato) I realised that all the previous efforts needed simplifying. Overworked, behold thine poster child.

Below are two simplified efforts. The first is decent but is perhaps too simplified, and is far to stiff. The second, however, is likely quite close to what will become the final product.

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