Saturday, February 13, 2010

update: on hiatus

This is just a note to let everyone know that I still, unfortunately, have not had a chance to continue work on TTP. It, however, has not been dropped! I have all my notes, drawings, transcriptions, etc on file and daily wish that I was pulling them out to work on.

Of the many thing currently going on, I am still working my way through graduate school and am in the middle of a research project focused on post-mortem/bereavement photography. I have also taken over the Editor-in-Chief's position at the peer reviewed journal The Tuckasegee Valley Historical Review .

This project is still very near and dear to my heart, and will be completed if it is the last thing I do. One thing that I have been working on behind the scenes, is trying to figure out how this book (which I originally planned on being a one-off) might be eventually replicated/re-printed. Most of my ideas at the moment involve Adobe In-Design, Adobe Photoshop, and a lot of hand-touching up of high quality scans. I have very little knowledge in this area, however, and would love to hear ideas you may have. Feel free to send them via e-mail if you do not wish to post below. My e-mail is located in the "About Me" section on the right hand bar.

I hope to see everyone soon!


Nikki Cadd said...

Hi Hilary, I've just found out about your Tengwar Project through Facebook and can't believe that some-one has finally got the Gall to do this! I Tried it with the Tolkien Songs and poems from the Lord of the rings, but stopped for 2 reasons, 1) I wasn't good enough at the tengwar and 2) I can't draw to save my life so it would have been un-illustrated! Fortunatley, I have got better at the tengwar (although I'm still learning) but am still very poor at drawing! lol!

I was wondering which mode you write in, i.e. Quenya or Sindarin?

I really hope that when your schedual allows you will take this project up again and not forsake it. I for one would love a copy of it when it gets finished!

All the best,



Photographer Leia said...


Thank you for your lovely comments! If you want to read about my method you can find it here - Given that I can transcribe, but have never seemed to completely grasp Sindarin on Quenyan translation, the mode is based on Tolkien's English transcriptions. Everything I do is largely based on what Chris McKay's Tengwar Textbook refers to as "Original Mode" which is a slightly rougher form of transcription with a foundation in Tolkien's examples within the book, and in a letter to Hugh Brogan. I have made a couple of concessions to Christopher Tolkien's rather different English mode for stylistic reasons, but as Christopher Tolkien's mode is so different AND is phonetically based, I have chosen not to rely on it in a only one or two instances.

Life unfortunately has caught up with me and kept me from using any of my time for this project as of late, but I have not given up entirely. I have all my notes, drawings, and plans on file and plan on coming back from hiatus as soon as I am able. I had originally been planning to make a one-off (single volume) but have been trying to figure out lately how I might create one volume that could then be reprinted. After all, this is a lot of time to invest in something that would only exist in one instance :)